Concept Wellness in the Media

An established clinic in San Diego, Concept Wellness (previously known as Conception Wellness) has been featured in a variety of local media. We love sharing our expertise! And we appreciate being acknowledged for our contribution to the health and fertility of our patients.

Building Families podcast

Surrogacy health and wellness expert, Lisa Pugliese, of Concept Wellness

San Diego Voyager

Meet Lisa Pugliese of Concept Wellness

San Diego Community News

Concept Wellness offers an alternative for women’s health

San Diego Magazine

I Tried it: Acupuncture

11 natural ways to relieve morning sickness

San Diego 6

The CW: Alternative Stress Relivers

KFMB Channel 8 (CBS)

National Women’s Health & Fitness Day

San Diego Magazine

2013 Women Who Move the City

Medical Daily

Boost Your Fertility

Recent Articles from Our Practitioners

Walk After Meals: Pack A Health Punch with This Simple Habit

Walk After Meals: Pack A Health Punch with This Simple Habit

Did you know that something as simple as a short walk after meals can make a significant difference in regulating your blood sugar levels? It’s true! Just 10 to 15 minutes of light walking can help your body digest food more efficiently, reduce blood sugar spikes, and...

What is Gua Sha? How Can It Work for You?

What is Gua Sha? How Can It Work for You?

Gua Sha, the triangle-shaped skin tool, is suddenly mainstream. You can find it at T.J. Maxx and Marshall’s, for goodness’ sake! But this trendy tool is an ancient healing technique we have always included in our San Diego acupuncture practice. What can Gua Sha do for...

Red Light 101: Explore Its Many Benefits for Your Skin & Body

Red Light 101: Explore Its Many Benefits for Your Skin & Body

Have you heard about red light therapy? In our San Diego acupuncture practice, we’ve been using red light therapy for our patients for several years now and are obsessed with the results! So, what exactly is red light therapy, and why are we so excited about it? Let’s...

Eating to Bolster Immunity and Health in the Winter

Eating to Bolster Immunity and Health in the Winter

In Chinese medicine, we believe winter is the time to nurture and nourish our kidney Qi. After all, this is the time when this energy can be most easily depleted. Our bodies instinctively express the fundamental principles of winter – rest, reflection, conservation,...

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We are available for in-clinic appointments for women, men, and children.