Holistic health starts now, birth through adolescence.
At every age, Concept Wellness can help address medical and behavioral concerns.
Safe & Gentle
Treatment for children can be done without needles, and without medications that conventional medicine would employ.
Tailored to Your Child
No cookie-cutter approaches, your child’s care is entirely customized.
Range of Ailments
From digestion to sleep, behavioral issues to allergies and asthma, we can help.
Introduce holistic, individual care at an early age.
Common ailments we treat include: digestive issues, sleep disturbances, allergies and asthma, immune boosting, behavioral concerns such as ADHD, and emotional concerns such as anxiety and depression. For pre-teens and teenagers, Chinese medicine can help with acne and period regulation as well.
If your child gets sick a lot, we can strengthen their immune response. You can accompany your child into the treatment room—or give your teen space.
Our treatments and herbal recommendations are tailored to each child specifically. We use laser pens, point stimulation devices, and other techniques for children who prefer not to try needles.
We can also guide you on acupressure points and food as medicine to be used at home. Pediatric acupuncture is a great way to holistically support your child’s health and wellbeing.

We can treat a child with or without needles—and certainly without discomfort. Let us help you alleviate ailments and behavioral matters, with their whole health in mind.
Every time I have an appointment, I leave so relaxed and well taken care of. I have never had acupuncture before and it’s the most soothing and healing process.
Schedule your appointment online or call 858-272-8215
We are available for in-clinic appointments for women, men, and children.